FIRST BITE celebrated such accolades as 'the best excuse for not handing in work', the student who least looks like their mug shot from 2011' and 'the student who eats the most most junk food'! But it wasn't all serious!!??......samples of two semesters' worth of work was screened, including image making, type projects, 3D work, moving image, life drawing and animation.
Special awards (Red Pencils) were given to the best animation and also the winners of a group brief presented earlier in the semester entitled 'Designer's Den'. Every student also received a certificate of recognition of their achievements (so far). The event was well attended by a cross section of first year, foundation and a token Level 6 student!! in addition to staff members.
Many thanks to Mark from Photography for keeping focused (despite the wine) and providing the 'press coverage'! and to Warren Best for his skills on the lathe! (pencils).