Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Hello Spongers

Well, that's not a very nice welcome is it? I'll try again. Hello Sponge lovers, I cordially invite you to take a butchers at my very lame attempt at being Britain's (well Manchester's... well Urmston's most insightful observer on Graphic Design education!

Let me introduce myself. I am Grant Mitchell, and before you say it, yes I do get some stick for that, particularly when dealing with banks, insurance companies and other call-centre based establishments. But I'm not bitter (much).

I'm a practising Graphic Designer who has been at the coal face for the past 11 years. After graduating from Staffordshire University in 1997 where I fluked a First (don't ask me how), I gained employment at The Chase, then Graphic Partners (Mcr) followed by a stint at Creative Lynx. Where in my latter days I was presented with the opportunity to lecture part-time to the Graphic Design students at my old stomping ground of Staffordshire University.

Since then I have set up my own design consultancy, Transmission Creative (what do you mean you've never heard of it???) and am now doing a full day's lecturing at Staffs.

After several years of lecturing, it finally dawned upon me that it might be useful to document the thoughts, experiences and general nonsense that I seem to spout on a Monday to those poor, defenceless students (God help them!), hence the reason behind 'I am a sponge'.

So, I hear you ask, what's all this sponge stuff? Well, it's basically one of the many Mitchell 'Pearl's of Wisdom'™ . It's amazing what tripe comes out of my mouth when I'm confronted with fifty odd students, looking for divine inspiration. This one stems from my theory that Graphic Design know-how is very much a cumulative process, so I encourage the students to act like sponges (no, not dull, lifeless inanimate objects that are only useful for washing cars, although some do pull off this act with some aplomb). I want them to expose and absorb themselves every second of the day, to design (now there's a start), art, architecture, photography, you know, the obvious things... but more than that, to absorb everything, news, litter, conversations in working mens' clubs, fish and chips, visits to launderettes anything and everything is useful. And at some point, you will squeeze this metaphorical sponge and something useful, that will guide, direct and influence you will drip out.

So, that's the name dealt with. So what's my manifesto. Simply to advise, inspire, encourage, connect and showcase thoughts, images and observations from not only myself but other lecturers, students (past and present), designers, gurus, has been's, know it all's and never was's on the rocky road of how to equip yourself for the world of graphic design.

So say it loud and say it proud, 'I am a sponge'.