Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Tom Takes Tea to China !

Tom Davall, third year Graphic Design student has been featured on the creative Review Blog feed with his solution to predicting the weather using tea leaves!!

Find something interesting within the set theme of ‘Weather’. This should be concise, will ideally be communicated in under 20 words and will form the basis of your proposition. 

Chinese astronomers developed a 24 section calendar, allowing them to predict the weather. With prediction being the main key word, I decided to research into different methods of prediction. Fortune cookies, tea leaf reading and tarot cards were amongst the methods researched. Tea leaf reading had a far more richer connection to China, so posed as ideal metaphor to link with my proposition. To communicate the 24 sections I have created this tea leaf reading cup and saucer, replacing symbols normally found on tea leaf reading saucers with my own set of symbols referring to each section of the calendar. The choice of colour was inspired by the cobalt of the Chinese porcelain of the Ming dynasty.

see the full post here: